الإثنين 23 ديسمبر 2024 الموافق 22 جمادى الثانية 1446
رئيس التحرير
عمرو الديب

بالإنجيلزية ..تحرك جديد للبرلمان ردًاعلي مزاعم مجلس حقوق الإنسان الدولي

تحيا مصر

أصدر مجلس النواب برئاسة المستشار الدكتور حنفي جبالي رئيس مجلس النواب، بيانا باللغة الإنجليزية ردًاعلي  ما تضمنه البيان المشترك الصادر عن مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة، حول حالة وأوضاع حقوق الإنسان في مصر، والذي تضمن العديد من المغالطات المغايرة للواقع والداخل المصري.

Statement of the Egyptian Senate

On the statement submitted by the Ambassador of Finland to the United Nations in Geneva on behalf of 31 countries

Before Human Rights Council of the United Nations on 12 of March 2021Session 46 )concerning human rights in Egypt

The Senate believes that the statement has deviated from the standards of  transparency and objectivity,and itaddressed human rights  situation in Egypt superficially based on allegations have nothing to do reality .



The Egyptian state has used anti-terrorism laws only against those who have already committed terrorist crimes - as it is universally agreed upon - and has not applied them to any of the groups that the statement alleged, as there is no lawyer, no journalist, and no human rights activist in jail, unless he has committed a crime that justifies the measures taken against him, according to the Egyptian judiciary structure, all trials are conducted  through  whether through clean investigations simply because –the judiciary structure is absolutely independent from the executive authority.it is worth mentioning that the statement failed to substantiate its alleged arguments by only one caseThe Egyptian state has been challenging all parties that allegedly claim violations of human rights to substantiate their arguments, but they failed. No one has been included on the lists of terrorismunless committed a terrorist crime according to international standards.


In the capacity of Senate-as integral part of the legislative authority - also confirms that the state has ensured freedom of the mediaboth in law and practice.Itwas not proven that any person was arrested or prosecuted for the expression of opinion, or anyblockingof media sites that work legally.



Reading the statement accurately, The Senate remarked that it deliberately ignored any reference to the efforts made by Egypt in recent years in the field of human rights in accordance with international standards.However, it has been praised - timidly - the law of nongovernmental organizations (Civil work practice law), and indicated that it establishes a new legal framework that is more appropriate for the work of civil society organizations.



The Senate acknowledges the right of friendly countriesto show interests in Egyptian internal and domestic affairs due to Egypt’s political weight –on both international and regional levels .it is worth mentioning that Egypt plays significant role to maintain security and stability in the region. None the less this interest should not be taken as a pretext through accusations that are not based on facts, nor based on merefake allegations and turn into interference in the internal affairs of an independent state in contradiction to the United Nations Charter.



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